What’s Up?


Today’s Self-Portrait:  Infrared-Fran

Can’t go to sleep just yet..got to post my self-portrait and write about what my life has been like recently.  Not easy.  So what’s going on, you wonder?  My condo unit in Seattle is on the market which means my precious mid-day restful periods are gone due to house showings to potential buyers.  I am sleep deprived because I have so much to do, but cannot do these chores because I am so tired.  I start teaching early in the morning, leaving the condo at 6:30 a.m. and come home around 8 p.m. or later.  However, yoga keeps me sane, always.  Continually.  I cannot imagine my life without yoga.

Today’s is Mother’s Day and I felt, once again, the pangs of being an orphan, at a time when I could really use a mother in my life.

Rhododendrons for Mother's Day

My rhododendrons in full bloom on Mother’s Day

Feeling the sadness of moving away from Seattle (moving on June 15th), and all that I love, and feeling the many possibilities of moving to Ocean Shores and opening myself up to new possibilities that await me (like my encounters with a community in dire need of yoga classes).  Wondering what it will feel like to come to Seattle at least twice monthly to teach classes and workshops and what it will be like to start a few new classes in Ocean Shores.

Feeling the excitement of building my dream yoga studio on our property, Little Renaissance.  The yoga studio will be called The Lotus Pavilion, a detailed image which came to me about 15 years ago while in a meditation.  This weekend, we had our architect friend, Peter, and his partner, Susan, at the coast to start making this dream a reality via a discussion of our vision of this sanctuary/yoga structure.  I will write about it more in detail as the concrete plans emerge:

Susan, Peter, and Rick standing at the future site of The Lotus Pavilion, our Northwest Rain Forest Yoga Retreat Sanctuary Studio.

Susan, Peter, and Rick standing on our coastal property, at the future site of The Lotus Pavilion, our Northwest Rain Forest Yoga Retreat Sanctuary Studio.

This is what you will see when you look out the window while doing yoga at the Lotus Pavilion.  Pure rainforest magic. Pure health.

This is the forest which will surround you while doing yoga at the Lotus Pavilion. Pure rainforest magic. Pure healthy oxygen-rich air.

Along with the big move, I will have to be up on technology as I am in the process of revamping my website, making it more socially interactive, with the help of my marketing consultants and web designers.  A considerable monetary investment and lots of technological growing pains come with a revamped website, updated with high-tech equipment and new computer….and a big headache comes with learning how to use all this new equipment when my area of expertise is YOGA and not COMPUTERS (but will soon be both).

Rick has been sick with a foot infection.  Long story made short, a railroad tie fell on his foot while he was working on deer-proofing our fruit orchard and he did some serious damage to his foot.  No broken bones, but his foot and leg has mysteriously swelled up twice now and he is on his second course of very strong antibiotics.  He is tired, not himself, quite irritable, and unhappy and life is hard for both of us as a result.  Next step is for Rick to get a series of blood tests to determine what exactly is causing the infections and what course of action to take next.

And finally, my little squirrel comforts me.  My mother had this squirrel knickknack when I was a child and I was always enamored by this little guy!  I made sure to take him home with me after Ma died.  I filled the wells up with shells and Rick fell in love with him this weekend, too!

Mamma's Squirrel (now mine!).

Mamma’s Squirrel (now mine!).

Here’s to squirrels and YOGA, the future Lotus Pavilion and no more foot infections!

6 Responses to “What’s Up?”

  1. kay Says:

    I am glad you have some anchors as you toss around in this turbulent sea right now. squirrel statue loaded with past memories, yoga for the present, and lotus pavilion for the future. i guess yoga would be past/present/future! anyway, i hope you feel more strength and energy as the days progress, and that Ricks’ foot heals with speed!


  2. Rick Says:

    Here here!

    Thanks, Kate!



  3. Nora Brown Says:

    Sending both you and Rick a hug. Lots of changes for both of you in the horizon!
    Healing thoughts and energy for Rick.
    I remember mama’s squirrel, I’m glad he found a home with you and Rick.
    Love you both


  4. frangallo Says:

    Thanks, Nora! Love you, sis! Fran


  5. 1gr8 Says:

    Bless your hearts!…marykay


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